Account – Project Management

Here, you can create an account and associate projects with that account. You can also manage (such as edit, deactivate, and delete) accounts and projects from this section. Go to Configuration > Advanced > Account-Project Management to access the Account-Project Management window.

Figure 5: Project Key Management Window

The details of each field and the operations you can perform is described in the subsequent sections.

Account Management

This section displays the details of all the accounts created. The details include:

  • Account Name: The name by which the account is identified.
  • Account Description: The description about the account.
  • SSO URL: The URL to which the SaaS machine is redirected to after providing the respective username.
  • Account Domain: SaaS machine checks the account based on the domain.
  • Action: Actions that can be performed on an account include– Edit/Activate/Deactivate/Delete.

Note: In this section, you can manage accounts and perform the operations, such as create, edit, deactivate, delete. The details of these operations are described in the subsequent sections.

Create an Account

With the help of this window, you can add a new account to login to a SaaS machine. Here, you need to provide Account Name, Account Domain, and Account Description. Out of these, the Account Domain field is an important field where you need to mention a domain (ex: The SaaS machine checks the account based on the domain.

1.On the top-right corner of the window, go to Create New > Account.

Figure 6: Account Option

2. This displays the Create New Account

Figure 7: Create New Account Window

3. Provide the following details and click Save

  • Account Name: In this field, the user has to provide the name of the account.
  • Account Domain: In this field, the user has to provide the domain of the account, such as:, and
  • Account Description: In this field, the user has to provide the description of the account to get more info for the account.
  • Enable SSO: This option is used to enable the SSO login to the SaaS machine. Enabled SSO is used so that you can be redirected to the respective SSO (Example: OKTA, PingID, OpenAM).

Note: If SSO is enabled, it is redirected to the respective SSO after providing the Username on the SaaS login page.

  • If a user enables this option, then the user has to provide the details for the following below fields:


  • SSO URL: The URL to which the SaaS machine is redirected to after providing the respective username.
  • SSO Key: To provide the Entity ID for that respective SSO. For SP mode, provide properties and for IDP mode provide sso.xml.


Note: The respective SSO should be configured properly, such as the SSO URL, SSO Key, and Get Entity Id. User can also choose any one of the following modes: SP Mode, IDP Mode.

  1. This creates the account and is added in the account table.
Figure 8: Account Table

Edit an Account

  1. Click the Edit Account button corresponding to an account for which you need to edit the details.
Figure 9: Edit Icon

2. This displays the Edit Account

Figure 10: Edit Account Window

3. Edit the details as required and click Save

Deactivate an Account

You can deactivate an account as per your requirements. To do so, click the Deactivate Account   button corresponding to an account, which needs to be deactivated.

Note: Once a user clicks on the Deactivate Account  button, a success message will appear on the window as shown in the below snap.

Figure: 11 Success Message

Delete an Account

You can delete an account with the Delete  icon. Before deleting an account, you need to delete all its associated projects.

Project Management

This section displays the details of all the projects created. The details include:

  • Project Name: It is the name of the project.
  • Project Description: It is the description of the project.
  • Project Key: It is a unique key associated with the project.
  • Project Type: It is the type of the project, either ‘Trial’ or ‘Licensed’.
  • License ID: It is the licensed id of the project if the project is of ‘Licensed’
  • Action: It is the corresponding actions that a user can perform on a project include – Edit/Generate License/Activate/Deactivate/Delete a project.

Note: In this section, you can manage projects and perform the operations, such as: create, edit, generate license, deactivate, and delete. The details of these operations are described in the subsequent sections.

Create a Project

  1. On the top-right corner of the window, go to Create New > Project.
Figure 12: Project

2. This displays the Create New Project

Figure 13: Create New Project Window

3. Provide the following details and click Save button.

    • Account Name: Name of the account where project is to be created.
    • Project Name: Enter the name of the project.
    • Project Description: Enter the project description.
    • Project Type – Trial or Licensed version

4. This creates the project within the specified account and is added in the Project table. You can add multiple projects within an account in the same manner.

Figure 14: Project Table

Edit a Project

  1. Click the Edit Project  button corresponding to a project for which you need to edit the details.
Figure 15: Edit Project Option

2. This displays the Edit Project

Figure 16: Edit Project Window
  1. Edit the details as required and click Save

Deactivate/Activate a Project

You can deactivate a project as per requirements. To do so, click the Deactivate Account  button corresponding to a project, which needs to be deactivated. To activate it, click the Activate Account  button.

Delete a Project

The following points are to be noted before deleting any account:

  1. A project is dependent on an account and a project cluster is dependent on a project. Therefore, for deleting a project, you also need to consider the project cluster.
  2. You cannot delete a project cluster. In addition, a project cluster has a many to many relationships with an ACL Group. Therefore, when deleting a project, first you need to delete the project clusters related to it. It goes for the relationship between an account and a project.

Generate License

You can generate license for your projects by using the Generate License   icon. This displays a license form and you need to fill it.

Figure 17: Generate License Window

Provide the following details:


  • Validity Start Date
  • Validity End Date
  • License Type

Compute Units

  • Number of Agents
  • Number of Database Servers
  • Number of Hosts Monitored


  • Number of Browser Page Views

Log Stats

  • Log Ingressed
  • Number of Log Queries
  • Disk capacity utilized for Logs (TB)

Metric Data points

  • Number of Metric sent


  • Number of Concurrent users

Synthetics Monitoring

  • Page views


  • Number of Flowpath Number

Note: Once the user has filled up all the fields, the user has to click on the Save  button to save the license form.

Generate Project Key

You can generate a unique project key for a project. To do so, select a project and click the Generate Project Key  button. The existing project key is overwritten with a new one.

Figure 18: Generate Project Key

Note: A success message will be displayed once the user select on the Generate Project Key  button. The project key starts with the project name.

Enterprise Admin Group and Capability

You can assign enterprise capability for enterprise login with permissions as follows:

  • Only respective account and project in project management page.
  • Only respective project cluster available in enterprise home page.
  • Can view left side menu.

Assigning Enterprise Capability to a Group

Follow the below mentioned steps for this implementation:

    1. Go to Admin > Access Control
Figure 19: Access Control

2. Go to the Groups tab and select the Enterprise Group (For example –

Figure 20: Enterprise Group

3. In the Capabilities section, click the button. This displays the Add Capabilities window.

Figure 21: Add Capabilities

4. Select the desired capability from the list and click Attach. The added capability is displayed in the Capabilities

Figure 22: Capabilities

Assigning Project Cluster to a Group

  1. In the ACL window, go to the Groups tab and select the Enterprise Group (For example –
Figure 23: Enterprise Group

2. In the Project Clusters section, click the button. This displays the Add Machine For Enterprise Environment window.

3. Select the desired machine from the list and click Attach. The added machine is displayed in the Project Clusters We can also manually create Project cluster based on project